Have you ever seen any old movie?
And I am not talking about Titanic, for all the people born after Brexit😂
I am talking about classics like Shawn Conery's James Bond (BTW he is the best Bond character, period😉)
Well, today we are going to comment on an old Czech movie titled "S Čerty Nejsou Žerty" or in English "Give the Devil His Due" The reason I say it's old is that it has a bad you vibe of the 1950s😂
No, this is not the Devil in the movie😂 to see it you need to watch a movie I will not entertain your imagination instead of you (although I probably did with this picture haha)
The point of the story to quickly summarize is very simple. The devil or rather devils (there are many, but only Lucifer is in charge as the supreme devil) need to bring to hell different people, the list includes the "rotten widow" (who married a quite rich worker and later "killed him"), Royal Commander and State Secretary (both of whom stole from the king) #goodlife#climbingsociallatter
Peter who is wrongfully convicted is helping one of the devils to catch the person, but sadly at the end......I am not going to spoil it for you😂#sorrynotsorry
OK the plot is difficult, but I will not bother you with it.
The point is that Czechs have an interesting idea about the devil and their work. Firstly, I notice that in my country folktales aren't as closely connected to the devil's work as in Czechia, or definitely not as popular as filming a movie. Secondly, the humor is present throughout the movie but is very Slavic-like. I say this because I was the only one who was laughing (full room of international students), everybody else just looked at the screen confused, I guess that Slavs have different kinds of humor, or they were not paying attention (the devil is in the details😂). Lastly, the costumes were very particular, maybe the old checks representation of the devil's clothes, abilities and weaknesses....WTF was the deal with the woolf tale?????
You probably have no idea what I am talking about, so the best thing is to watch the movie for yourself. I definitely recommend and I will post a link to the trailer, and share the picture of a devilish little thing (it's so lovely you have to see it😁)
Link: S čerty nejsou žerty (1984, 2021) HD trailer restaurované verze (
My little devils as for you enjoy your day and see you in my next post where I will talk about....
With Love