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Good or Bad Soldier

 Have you ever woundered if someoune is actually stupid or just pretending to be? We all know that guy who can be having IQ of a 160 or just 60

Well I have the Czech author actually described that person, in his tale Good Soldier Švejk. Although, it apperently represent Czechs, but I believe he just describes my friend Janez form Graz.

Today, let's embark on a adventure into the world of The Good Soldier Švejk, a timeless classic of Czech literature.

First things first, if you haven't met Švejk yet, allow me to introduce you to this goofy friend. Character was written by Czech author Jaroslav Hašek, it is a satirical novel (for those who don't know it it is ment for mocking someone or something) set during World War I as he navigates the absurdities of military life. 

Believe me it's funny so read it😀
Picture this: a world where chaos reigns supreme, bureaucracy is king, and common sense is in short supply. Now, Švejk emerges as a beacon of hilarity, armed with a quick wit and an uncanny ability to find humor in the most worst situations.
One of the things I love most about Švejk is his unshakeable optimism, no matter how many obstacles are thrown his way – be it incompetent superiors, absurd regulations, or even enemy fire – Švejk always manages to maintain his sense of humor.

In conclusion, if you're in dire need of a good laugh and a hefty dose of hilarity, look no further than The Good Soldier Švejk. With its rib-tickling humor, witty banter, and razor-sharp wit, it's a literary masterpiece that will have you snickering from cover to cover.

I recommend to read it, but be aware you might die of laughter😁

With Love


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